Create Your Thriving Guide

The Thriving Guide Project is a guided process that will help you create your personalized Thriving Guide, your unique manual for personal resilience.

Through this journey, you will heighten your well-being and your thriving. You will learn to manage your motivation, productivity, and rest with effectiveness and compassion. You will learn to identify and reroute yourself away from the traps that have tripped you up in the past.

By the end of our sessions, you will have a Thriving Guide that includes:

  • a clear vision of your values and ideals
  • preventative systems to help you stay in your thriving zone
  • a personalized troubleshooting guide to deal with traps and falls from a place of loving care and healthy striving

Everyone’s Thriving Guide will be different, as we each have different visions for who we want to be, how we want our lives to feel, and how intense we want to be in achieving outward accomplishments at different times in our lives. It is the beginning of a lifelong journey, a Guide that you can continue to tweak and revise as you learn more about yourself and how you function, or as your goals and needs change.

The Thriving Guide Project brings back the humanity in productivity. It honors rest and play and compassion, as well as excellence and striving. It honors both the human being and the human doing. I welcome everyone from all walks of life to join me in this project!